26 Sep 2024

Future directions for accelerating digital skills uptake across Europe

Executive summary 

DIGITALEUROPE has set ambitious targets for Europe to train at least 300,000 cybersecurity professionals by 2030 and to increase digital literacy amongst citizens and businesses to 90 per cent of the population.

The Digital Education Action Plan (DEAP) has been instrumental in advancing digital education across Member States, driving curriculum reforms and fostering digital skills amongst students and educators.2 However, challenges remain, especially in ensuring equal access to digital tools for students across Europe. Misconceptions about the negative impacts of technology in education need to be addressed with clear, evidence-based communication. The ongoing skills gap in the workforce also highlights the need for continuous focus on digital skills development as a key driver of economic growth. 

To build on this momentum and address existing gaps, we recommend the following actions: 

  • Sustain political focus on digital skills by continuing high-level engagement across EU institutions and Member States; 
  • Increase funding for digital skills development, targeting all age groups and underserved regions through relevant financial instruments; 
  • Promote a skills-first approach that prioritises competencies and experience over formal qualifications to close the digital skills gap in the workforce; 
  • Expand digital education in schools, particularly IT-focused tracks, and ensure curricula align with market demands; 
  • Improve access to digital devices in schools by prioritising underserved areas and fostering public-private partnerships to guarantee equal opportunities for all students; and 
  • Combat misconceptions about technology in education through research-driven communication, ensuring the benefits of balanced digital learning are widely understood. 

By addressing these challenges and maintaining momentum, the EU can continue to drive meaningful progress in digital education, ensuring that all citizens are equipped with the skills needed to thrive in a tomorrow’s digital economy. 

Discover what needs to be emphasised next
For more information, please contact:
Martina Piazza
Manager for Investments & Innovation
Vincenzo Renda
Director for Single Market & Digital Competitiveness
Our resources on Society & Skills
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The Download: Closing the digital skills gap
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