27 Jun 2016

DIGITALEUROPE Position Paper on the Telecoms Framework Review

DIGITALEUROPE Position Paper on the Telecoms Framework Review

Introduction: a time for reform

In September 2015, the European Commission launched a public consultation on the regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services. DIGITALEUROPE responded to the consultation, giving input on aspects related to Next-Generation Access (NGA), spectrum management and Over-The-Top (OTT) services.

The Commission is now preparing the first legislative proposals to address the concerns expressed in the consultation and to update the electronic communications framework. DIGITALEUROPE welcomes the ambition of the Commission and stresses that a coordinated approach is necessary to bring the regulatory system to the 21st century and realize the Digital Single Market.

DIGITALEUROPE calls on the Commission and regulators to build a stronger and more competitive telecommunications infrastructure market, with a balanced regulatory enforcement regime. Harmonized EU spectrum management and ensuring fixed backhaul will further be key in unlocking the resources needed for effective deployment of new technologies and applications such as for 5G. Meanwhile the changing market landscape and growth of digital services must be supported with a proportionate response, with horizontal regulation rather than sector-specific policies.

It is time for a forward-looking framework that promotes innovation and effectively delivers the required largescale network investments to the benefit of consumers, businesses and public administrations.

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