02 Feb 2022

Becoming tech allies: 24 targets for the EU-US Trade & Technology Council by 2024


Digital knows no borders, and as we face bigger and bigger global challenges – cyber security, data ownership and access, climate change, supply chain shortages, online responsibilities – there has never been a more pressing time for international cooperation.

Emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) or the Internet of Things, and new ways of living and working – unlocked by connectivity and data – are an exciting opportunity that we cannot miss. We are at the perfect time and place to steer them in an ever more positive direction, so that technological advancements can be a force for good, supporting our citizens to prosper and lead better lives. At the same time, they come with serious responsibilities we should not bear lightly.

Together, the EU and US make up more than 40% of global GDP. What we do together matters.

On the first anniversary of the Biden administration, and with the French Presidency underway, a great deal of work has been done to repair the transatlantic relationship, following four years of divergence.

The launch of the EU-US Trade and Technology Council (TTC) in June 2021 marked a transatlantic cooperation reboot, setting a more purposeful direction to our trade and technology policy decisions to benefit first and foremost people. Europe and the United States already share a diplomatic and military security alliance; it is time that we become tech allies as well.

2022 starts on a high note of urgency to jump-start the TTC and deliver on its promises. Concrete actions are needed to maintain the momentum ahead of the European and American elections in 2024.

The time has come for Europe and the US to find concrete solutions to boost their technological strengths, collaborate on setting the governance of the Digital Decade, and defend the open, rules-based trading system.

The rollout of AI systems has been spurred up by the Covid-19 pandemic. Hostile foreign cyberattacks have increasingly become a source of concern to both the EU and US as the situation on Ukraine’s eastern border continues to heat up.

The importance of technological innovation speaks for itself. Policymakers are realising the crucial role of AI and new technologies to bring down CO2 emissions and save the planet. Young tech innovators in Europe and the US are struggling with barriers of regulatory fragmentation to scale up and expand overseas, despite belonging to a sector – the digital economy – that grows two and a half times faster than any other.

A promising initiative like the EU-US Trade and Technology Council can make a difference – if we manage to avoid the pitfalls of previous bilateral and multilateral negotiations. Almost ten years later, the failure of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is still fresh in our minds. Despite a new, determined leadership, the World Trade Organization (WTO) continues to struggle with relevance. We cannot afford another empty talking shop, or we risk losing citizens’ trust – we need to act now.

From setting common standards for trustworthy AI to better aligning on competition policies, to renewing fair data and privacy agreements, European and American citizens alike can benefit from a dynamic transatlantic cooperation.

A stronger cooperation on cybersecurity, from cloud to connected devices, will allow data to flow more securely across the Atlantic, to the benefit of consumers and medical research. A better alignment around competition policies has the potential to offer consumers on both sides a better choice of digital services. A stronger cooperation around semiconductors can curb the disruption of global supply chains.

With this paper, we contribute concrete ideas for what the TTC should achieve by the next US Presidential and European elections in 2024, and offer a clear roadmap, supported with success indicators for the short and medium term, to each of its Working Groups.

The window of opportunity for progress is closing. Let’s get working.

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Table of contents

Part 1

Becoming tech allies: 24 targets by 2024

In our 2019 manifesto for a stronger digital Europe, DIGITALEUROPE set ambitious key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure Europe’s digital success. This approach has since been mirrored in the European Commission’s own Digital Decade strategy, launched in 2021, which outlines similar targets for digital transformation to be achieved by the whole continent by 2030.

Setting up, monitoring, and reporting on specific targets and success indicators allows not only for greater transparency and accountability, but also for periodically re-assessing and adjusting course as needed. This is key to better respond to an ever-evolving technological and societal landscape.

As digital knows no borders, EU and US policymakers should consider collaborating on joint success indicators for the digital transition of our societies. When applied to existing fora such as the Trade and Technology Council, developing a workplan based on concrete KPIs will ensure that the TTC is laser-focused on the most important issues and delivers tangible progress and benefits to citizens on both sides of the Atlantic.

2024 will be a pivotal year for transatlantic relations, as both the current US administration and the European Commission will reach the end of their mandates. As an expression of both executive bodies, the TTC has a responsibility to use this relatively short time wisely. Keeping such a close timeframe is a further encouragement to focus on ambitious yet achievable goals.

These KPIs should follow the seven key principles we first outlined in our manifesto, grouped under the acronym “DIGITAL”: digital cooperation, inclusion, green growth, innovation, trust, agile policymaking, and leadership.

Digital cooperation

To generate growth and remain competitive in the global digital era, the EU and US should cooperate on digital standards and laws, based on shared values such as democracy, protection of individual freedoms and human rights, and the rule of law.

The ever-quickening pace of technological progress, and the opportunities opened up by the sharing and use of data, can only be harnessed if they are embedded in a shared approach based on safety, trust, and harmonised standards, to encourage uptake and further innovation.


  1. Develop a joint Cloud Rulebook and champion this among other international partners – compiling existing legislation, relevant standards, and codes of conduct – to enhance trust and boost cloud uptake. (Working Group 1) 💬
  1. Support the creation of an enhanced Privacy Shield with a sustainable data-sharing agreement immune to legal challenge. The new agreement should be based on common data governance principles such as due process, regulatory dialogue, non-discrimination, security, and the rule of law.
  1. While we acknowledge that Privacy Shield negotiations take place on a separate work-track to the TTC, we would like to highlight its importance here, because data flows are a key enabler of the TTC’s work.
💬 Niels Martin Brøchner, co-founder and CEO, Contractbook

“Since the GDPR was enforced, and especially with Schrems II challenging the EU-US Privacy Shield, European tech users expect their personal data to be stored and processed in Europe. With the California Consumer Privacy Act shaping up in the US, we now experience more and more American companies demanding that personal data be stored on servers located in the US.

Re-establishing a proper EU-US alignment on data privacy and server locations – which is both legally sound and trusted by the consumers – would make it a lot easier for tech companies scaling in both markets to keep a single, harmonised and high standard for secure data storage. Tech companies operate in a global market, so the more global standards are, the better.”


Digital transformation must first and foremost make our lives better – providing better-paying jobs, enhancing access to key services such as healthcare and education, and supporting women and minority groups to increase participation in society.

This can only be achieved by equipping Europeans and Americans with the right set of digital skills, so that everyone can make the most of the opportunities of the digital era, and become in turn creators of technology ourselves.


  1. Retrain 20% of the workforce with digital skills, including the training of at least 250,000 cybersecurity specialists across the Atlantic to address the EU’s 291,000 and the US’ 465,000 skills gap. (Working Group 9)
  1. Train 50% of SMEs to use big data analytics, as well as other business digitalisation efforts, such as adoption of AI. (Working Group 9)
  1. Create joint R&D funding projects and joint digital skills training opportunities. (Working Group 9) 💬
  1. At least 30% of ICT specialists should be women. Currently the US and the EU are hovering around 20%. (Working Group 9)
💬 Péter Kristóf, Chief Innovation Officer, YourAnastomosis

“The biggest opportunities for an SME such as ours are joint R&D funding and joint digital skills training opportunities (in our case, in medical education).

Through the application of R&D, companies strive for the development, design and improvement of their products, services, and technologies. In addition to creating new products and developing old ones, investing in research and development connects different parts of a company’s strategy and business plan, such as marketing and cost reduction.

At present, technological development is essential for an SME, so acquiring any new digital skill is an investment in the future of SMEs.”

Green growth

Digital is a fundamental enabler of the green transition, and as both blocs have set targets for carbon emission reductions (in the range of 50% to 55% by 2030, with the goal of becoming net zero by 2050), it is urgent to further develop green technologies.

Europe and the US must leverage digital to build a sustainable, low-carbon, and resource-efficient economy and society, leading the rest of the world by example.


  1. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 35% below their 2005 levels – through an ambitious common framework of incentives and aligned regulatory action for industry, with green digital technologies at their heart. (Working Group 2)
  1. Update the EU’s and US’s national climate action plans following COP26, fully recognising the enabling power of digital to cut emissions. (Working Group 2)
  1. Establish a Transatlantic Green Technology Alliance to foster cooperation on the development and deployment of green technologies and promote markets to scale such technologies. (Working Group 2)
  1. Work towards the establishment of a Transatlantic procurement market based on common standards and a joint approach to sustainable public procurement. (Working Group 2)


Digital transformation won’t happen without its key infrastructure: high-speed networks such as fibre and 5G to enable fast data sharing and industry 4.0; increased research, development and production of essential components such as semiconductors; and robust systems of cybersecurity to ensure that data and intellectual property rights are secure and can be safely exchanged.

All these heavily rely on fostering innovation and creating the right business environment for companies – especially the smaller ones – to scale up. Europe and the US must invest in the take-up of digital technologies and networks, such as AI and 5G, supporting the creation of cross-sectorial innovative ecosystems.


  1. Launch a €100-million joint funding pilot for SMEs in cooperation with NATO, boosting the joint ecosystem on proactive security and emerging technologies. (Working Group 9)
  1. Launchfour major publicly funded EU-US semiconductor R&D projects by 2030, focused on innovation across the whole value-chain, from design to sustainable manufacturing, assembly, and packaging. (Working Group 3)
  1. Set a minimum target of 3% of GDP on research and innovation. (Working Groups 9 and 3)
  1. Support the creation of at least 300 new transatlantic unicorns, with the goal of nurturing business creation and scaling-up on both sides of the Atlantic. (Working Groups 9 and 4)


To counter fear and mistrust of technological development, and ensure everyone is safe in the online environment, we must strengthen security and protect citizens’ digital rights.

This means that we need alignment and clear rules on data protection and online content, so that citizens are safe in their knowledge that their data is secure and used for safe purposes. Collaboration between governments and industry based in the EU and US is essential to achieve this.


  1. Set the highest levels of transparency for digital businesses, helping to boost clarity and online trust and enable each individual user and consumer to make complete, informed decisions. (Working Group 5)
  1. Set the standard for a safer internet for citizens having agreed on common principles drawn from EU and US legal frameworks. (Working Group 5 and 6)
  1. Ensure that patients on both sides of the Atlantic have access to trustworthy, digitally supported healthcare, by finding agreement on frameworks for clinical and real-world data analysis and evidence needed for safer and more effective diagnosis and treatment. (Working Group 1) 💬
💬 Stine Mølgaard Sørensen, co-founder and COO, Radiobotics

“Since our AI software for radiology departments is heavily regulated, at Radiobotics we struggle specifically with the difference in the EU’s and US’ regulatory pathways. It is a massive burden for us to comply with both the US Food and Drugs Administration and the EU Medical Devices Regulation, not only financially, but also in terms of the time it takes to get market clearance.

Even incremental steps towards alignment would make a huge difference in how well we succeed in the future. For example, alignment on AI standards, EU GDPR vs US Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or health data access and management would be extremely beneficial, so that we can focus on delivering great technology to the hospitals that are struggling to find the talent to analyse their medical images.”

Agile policymaking

Digitalisation and globalisation have changed the society at a speed we have never experienced before. Long policymaking processes driven only by institutions are out-dated and not fit for the challenges we are facing in the digital field and beyond.

To truly address the challenges we face, and help direct investments to key areas, the TTC needs to rely on hands-on experience and knowledge of market demand, for example in the semiconductors space.

The TTC is a first-of-its-kind platform, and as such, it is uniquely placed to promote innovative ways of regulating. These include stronger participation and involvement of a broad range of perspectives – across industries, across private and public actors, across countries and generations – and more effective ways of creating policies that address real-life needs, such as regulatory sandboxes to experiment in a controlled environment.


  1. Establish a joint action task force that effectively monitors global supply chain challenges. (Working Group 3)
  1. Launch a pilot for a common transatlantic data space to test data collaboration opportunities and data access needs for SMEs. (Working Groups 9 and 5)
  1. Create a license-free bilateral regime that enables trade between the EU and US of dual-use technologies included in the Wassenaar Arrangement without the need for export licenses or filing requirements. (Working Group 7)


Innovative leadership recognises that competition is global and that scale matters. We need clear incentives to ensure that both EU and US companies have the means to look past their own borders and compete in a fair and healthy way.

To achieve this level-playing field, EU and US leaders should set out a clear vision and roadmap on setting international standards to advance the societal benefits of digitalisation and the green economy.


  1. Identify and work together on areas of common understanding, in both bi-lateral and multi-lateral settings (for instance, AI, cybersecurity of connected devices, and other new technologies). This in turn will lay the basis for increased cooperation in international standardisation bodies. (Working Groups 1 and 10)
  1. Drive collaboration on key, cross-cutting areas for citizens’ wellbeing such as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and green technologies, focusing on how they intersect (for instance, smart cities). (Working Groups 1 and 2) 💬
  1. Successfully restore the centrality of the WTO in international trade through a coordinated plan for reform, including shepherding the WTO ‘s joint initiative on e-commerce to a conclusion. (Working Group 10)
  1. Achieve a coherent application of export control measures amongst states participating in the Wassenaar Arrangement to facilitate lawful exports. (Working Group 7)
💬 Mikael Munck, founder and CEO, 2021.AI

“As a scale-up working with AI and machine learning technologies, we believe that standardising AI regulations across the EU and US would be beneficial. Working across the regions is challenging when standards and regulations differ significantly and constantly change. Better alignment would lead to easier knowledge sharing, improved AI and machine learning applications, and, most importantly, implementation of responsible AI practices.

Aligned AI standards would help us cater to customers in both the EU and the US, providing everyone with top-tier AI applications that follow the regulations in both regions. We see cohesive AI standards as a natural step forward in ensuring scale-ups can grow quickly on both sides of the Atlantic. With cross-border AI standards, companies like 2021.AI would be able to provide solutions that can be scaled, and to reduce confusion around regulations and requirements, leading to better technology adoption and safer usage of AI.”

Part 2

Our recommendations: Short-term success indicators per Working Group

This section delves into specific, short-term KPIs for each TTC Working Group, to be achieved over both an immediate timeframe, coinciding with the second TTC meeting, and a slightly longer one (up to one year). To make this goal-setting exercise truly impactful, we suggest establishing a yearly review to assess progress and adjust course as needed.

Working Group 1 – Technology standards

For the next TTC meeting

Artificial intelligence (AI)

  • Conduct a joint gap analysis of current international standards for AI systems.
  • Issue a joint declaration committing to advance cooperation in international technical standardisation on AI.
  • Agree on common principles for assessing AI risk levels.


  • Conduct a joint gap analysis of current standards for security of connected devices.


  • Establish a joint task force for health data under Working Group 1 to:
    • Discuss and collaborate on common data interoperability standards and exchange formats for health data (on Software as a Medical Device, genome profiling, biomarkers) to improve data use and re-use potential. 💬
    • Develop a coherent approach to access and processing of data to help address preparedness for pandemics, as well as rare and chronic diseases.
    • Draw up a set of contractual clauses for transatlantic health data transfers.
  • Agree on common definitions for pharmaceutical research and regulatory purposes, such as for real-world data and evidence. Generally, even on the conceptual level divergence exist between the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

WTO principles

  • Agree to support universal respect for the WTO Principles for the Development of International Standards. This includes transparent stakeholder and industry involvement, with a focus towards developing solutions that address market needs and, where relevant, support the pragmatic realisation of regulatory objectives including with the use of voluntary international standards. This shall apply to the work in other Working Groups when it comes to standardisation.
💬 Ivan Jelušić, Co-founder and CSO, Orqa FPV

“The biggest barrier that we face when scaling up are the differences in European and US regulations directly applicable to our products and the industries which we operate in. Some of these differences include compliance of radio frequencies, technical classifications of aircrafts (in our case, drones), and protection of privacy and personal data.

These differences force our company to have multiple variants of the same products to comply with regulations in both markets, which in turn demand larger capital investments, and more time spent on development or adaptation of our products, eventually resulting in slower growth and expansion.”

In 12 months

Cross-sector growth

  • Publish a joint survey focused on SMEs and start-ups to find the biggest standards-related roadblocks to growth. 💬

Artificial intelligence (AI)

  • Conduct a joint study exploring baseline guidance for AI systems.
  • Launch joint AI-sandbox investment pilots to test trustworthy AI principles within potential high-risk areas, e.g. AI for cybersecurity and in education.


  • Conduct a joint study exploring baseline requirements for the security of connected devices and related software assurance
  • Initiate a permanent dialogue with NATO aimed at facilitating alignment of funds for joint cybersecurity research and innovation projects.
  • Establish a joint task force on conformity assessment for connected device security.
  • Establish a joint task force on advancing cooperation in international standards development including on software assessment, 5G security, risk management, incident management, and security conformity assessment.


  • Work towards a mutual recognition agreement between the FDA and EMA to harmonise recognition of evidence data of in-silico trials for Advanced Therapeutic Medical Products (ATMP).
  • Establish a working group with representatives from industry, European Data Protection Board, European Commission and US Federal Trade Commission to compile information on experiences with health data transfers and how issues can be addressed.
  • Develop a template data use agreement and consent form clause that will facilitate data transfers, and which can be adopted by EU and US researchers, pharmaceutical and medical device companies, and healthcare providers. 💬

WTO Principles

Produce a joint statement in support of the WTO Principles for the Development of International Standards and firmly state opposition to standardisation approaches in the digital ecosystem deviating from these principles.

💬 István Peták, CEO, Oncompass Medicine

“For us, the most beneficial areas for alignment between the EU and US would concern regulation of medical devices – in particular, in our case, regulation of software as medical device – and AI standards.

As it stands, we have to go through two different sets of procedures and follow two different sets of standards to bring the same product on the market (ultimately to the same type of patients), which increases length and thus costs of obtaining all necessary approvals.

Furthermore, because AI in healthcare is so novel, there is uncertainty in both the EU and US markets around health data and pharmaceutical research. This is why it would be great to have at least a common understanding of these concepts, risks and applications, to support entities like ours in a faster rollout of our products.”

💬 Jonathan Berte, founder and CEO, Robovision

“AI has the power to improve healthcare outcomes, for which it needs data. It will be key to aggregate data sets from the US and EU to build representative and effective solutions, therefore we need a sustainable and clear agreement for transatlantic data transfers.”

Working Group 2 – Climate and green tech

For the next TTC meeting

  • Issue a joint EU-US declarationon accelerating sustainable economic activities in all sectors using digital technologies as an enabler.
  • Identify key common actions and agree on a transatlantic roadmap for incentives and governance framework, to boost the uptake of digital technologies and to decarbonise the most energy-intensive industries (such as the building and construction sector, which currently represents 40% of global CO2 emissions).
  • Such a roadmap should include joint R&D investment programmes, enhanced data-sharing initiatives for sustainability, fostering green digital skills, and identifying key areas for regulatory approaches.

In 12 months

  • Via the EU-US Joint Financial Regulatory Forum, agree on principles for a joint taxonomy defining sustainable economic activities both in the EU and US, keeping in mind the important role of digital as an enabler for greening most economic sectors.
  • Define key aspects of a joint approach to sustainable standards in public procurement.
  • Collaborate on setting international standards for carbon footprint measurement and digital enablement.
  • Explore possibilities to reconstitute global convergence and international collaboration based on the positive outcomes of successful initiatives such as the EU ENERGY STAR.

Working Group 3 – Secure supply chains

For the next TTC meeting

  • Set up a stakeholder roundtable involving EU and US companies both upstream and downstream to map strengths and weaknesses in the semiconductor space, and identify tangible areas for improvement in both jurisdictions. Possible synergies should be explored with the European Alliance on Processors and Semiconductor Technologies.

In 12 months

  • Adopt emergency mechanisms, lifting export requirements between EU and US for chips, semiconductor equipment and raw materials in case of critical shortages.
  • Agree on measures to enhance mobility of specialised semiconductor workers (i.e. machinery operators, research, design and packaging) across the Atlantic.
  • Define a long-term, joint semiconductor strategy based on investments for increased production, enhanced bilateral trade, and the sharing of know-how and technology on mutually determined terms. The strategy must be designed around a need to foster cooperation towards increased capacity across the full semiconductor value chain. It should examine incentives and other global best practices to be replicated on both sides of the Atlantic.

Working Group 4 – ICT security and competitiveness

For the next TTC meeting

  • Produce a joint statement on cooperation on 6G research.
  • Establish a joint task force on security assessment, including cloud certification.
  • Establish a joint task force to address information sharing for cyber threat information, operational collaboration to address threats, and reducing duplicity on incident reporting regimes. With both NIS2 and US federal incident reporting proposals progressing, there is an opportunity to reduce fragmentation between regimes and leverage mutual approaches to reporting from an operational and regulatory perspective.

In 12 months

  • Launch a joint conference on infrastructure investment in third countries to bridge the digital divide.
  • Produce a joint statement on cooperation between the EU’s Global Gateway strategy and similar US initiatives.
  • Develop a joint strategy to increase cooperation on approaches to security assessment and certification to reduce barriers.
  • Identify approaches to increase cooperation on information sharing and reduce fragmentation of incident reporting requirements.
  • Modernise regulatory systems for ICT product compliance, through e-labelling solutions and transatlantic acceptance and recognition thereof.

Working Group 5 – Data governance and technology platforms

For the next TTC meeting

  • Develop common principles for a safer internet, inspired by the Digital Services Act and Communications Decency Act, including a common approach to addressing algorithmic amplification and common principles for researchers’ access to platforms.
  • Produce common templates to facilitate transparency reporting.
  • Ensure that the EU-US Joint Technology Competition Policy Dialogue and TTC Working Group 5 exchange views regularlyto avoid operating in silos.
  • Ensure that EU and US industry and civil society stakeholders can contribute to a transatlantic dialogue on platform and data governance issues and that TTC discussions address key files such as the Digital Markets Act.

In 12 months

  • Ensure transparency on the treatment of data online, helping to boost clarity and trust and enable each individual user and consumer to make complete, informed decisions.
  • Establish bilateral principles and governance, covering issues such as due process, regulatory dialogue, non-discrimination, security, and the rule of law to guide future engagement and outcomes under the TTC.

Working Group 6 – Misuse of technology

For the next TTC meeting

  • Begin systematically inviting US expert stakeholders (e.g. the National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children) to the EU Internet Forum Ministerial meeting to facilitate a harmonised approach to emerging challenges online and share best practices. Reciprocate with equivalent US issue groups.

In 12 months

  • Work together in international fora on the shared goal of eliminating terrorist content online by encouraging additional countries and partners to sign the Christchurch Call for action.

Working Group 7 – Export controls

For the next TTC meeting

  • Align on common criteria for what type of emerging technologies would require controls. Alignment will create a basis for a coordinated approach to an ever-evolving environment. Any new approaches must be translated to the multilateral level (Wassenaar Arrangement) which is recognised as most effective in the TTC’s Inaugural Joint Statement.
  • Adopt agreed definitions of software and use of cloud for tech transfers to ensure a pragmatic approach to intangible exports. Aligning approaches and standards on intangible transfers, including on software as a service (SaaS) will ensure a level playing field for all exporters.

In 12 months

  • Agree on harmonised licence validity periods, providing more business stability and facilitating lawful exports by better aligning licensing with the long-term nature of many overseas commercial relationships.
  • Synchronise Wassenaar adoption timelines to reaffirm commitment to the multilateral approach. Currently the EU and US adopt Wassenaar controls on different timelines, adding to the compliance burden faced by exporters.
  • Produce a joint statement declaring mutual understanding that national export control regulation should not have an extraterritorial reach on items subject to export controls.
Read more

DIGITALEUROPE priorities for the TTC working group on export controls cooperation

Working Group 8 – Investment screening

For the next TTC meeting

  • Produce a common work programme that lays out how information about investment screening mechanisms will be exchanged.

In 12 months

  • Launch a robust exchange of best practices on foreign direct investment (FDI) screening.
  • Involve like-minded partners in discussions with a view to reaffirming their commitment to openness to FDI.

 Working Group 9 – Promoting SME access to and use of digital tools

For the next TTC meeting

  • Issue a joint EU-US commitment to offer digital skills in public schools by 2025, including training opportunities and programmes for skilling and reskilling teachers.
  • Agree on ambitious joint targets to address the gap in professionals and expertise in key digital technology fields, such as semiconductor design and production, AI, data governance, cybersecurity and quantum computing.
  • Agree on ambitious joint targets and KPIs for upskilling citizens and workers, including KPIs to bridge the digital gender gap.
  • Share best practices on approaches, methods and innovative software solutions for government and the public sector. 💬
💬 Ejvind Jørgensen, CSO, CFO & Investor Relations, cBrain

“There is a strong need for sharing best practices on approach, methods and standard platform software in order to show both EU and US markets that innovative solutions are available.

For small companies, it would be beneficial to have access to high-ranking officials and politicians in order to discuss how to improve governments’ ability to deliver results faster, better, more cheaply, and with lower risks. For example, cBrain has developed a standard digital administration platform based on best practices from Denmark, which is widely recognised as a pioneer in e-government services.

Increasing dialogue with government leaders will lead to increased mutual knowledge of the impact of such platforms, helping improve public sector procurement.”

In 12 months

  • Set up an EU-US tech scale-up accelerator to increase cooperation in connecting capital with scale-ups, including in AI and cybersecurity. 💬
  • Launch joint investment programmes on key tech skills including in AI, quantum, cyber and align definition of curricula and certification.
  • Sign a joint pledge for increased government funding to support education programmes and institutions, and for the creation of a government-funded EU-US training centre, providing education in areas such as cybersecurity, AI, and cloud computing. Case studies on digital education, skills and inclusion should provide a starting point for this endeavour.
  • Explore methods to increase the availability and access for workers, with digital skills best training practices from the EU and US, for example through apprenticeships.
💬 Mervyn O'Callaghan, founder and CEO, CameraMatics

“One of the most significant barriers for a small company to scale in Europe, compared with the US, is access to funding. EU start-ups still lag behind US start-ups in equity-based funding by more than 50%.”

Working Group 10 – Global trade challenges

For the next TTC meeting

  • Produce a common work plan on how best to reform the WTO,including by producing an ambitious timeline for finalising the Joint Statement Initiative negotiations on e-commerce and for kicking-off negotiations for the geographical and product expansion of the Information Technology Agreement (ITA3). 
  • Share information on which measures each party is implementing to address common challenges and market distortions. This remains key to avoiding barriers and limiting the administrative burden on businesses. 
  • Produce a common work plan on how to avoid new and unnecessary technical barriers in emerging technologyactively organising regular industry consultations and seeking input on new and unnecessary technical barriers in these products and services.

In 12 months

  • Build a coalition of like-minded countries for a meaningful reform of the WTO.
  • Present a joint report to political leaders and other stakeholders, detailing how Working Group 10 has contributed to avoiding new and unnecessary technical barriers for emerging technology. Industry should be involved in this process and be able to provide input.


Thank you to the following executives and companies for sharing their views on EU-US digital cooperation, which you can read in this publication:

Download the full report
For more information, please contact:
Chris Ruff
Director for Political Outreach & Communications
Our resources on A STRONGER DIGITAL EUROPE – our call to action towards 2025
24 Mar 2025 resource
DIGITALEUROPE submission to the Commission’s call for evidence on the EU Start-up and Scale-up Strategy
14 Mar 2025 Position Paper
Pseudonymisation: a recognised tool to protect data processing
03 Mar 2025 Policy Paper
Proposal for the draft EU sustainability rating scheme for data centres
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