
International Relations and Trade

A stable, predictable and open global economy is crucial. With the rising threat of protectionism and increased pressure on the multilateral trading system, we believe that Europe needs to continue to promote an open and rules-based trading system, strive for market access and partnering with like-minded partners.

DIGITALEUROPE is committed to supporting an international framework where trade and digital cooperation are the driving force of economic security and prosperity, as we outlined in our study on the critical tech race “The EU’s Critical Tech Gap” in response to the European Economic Security Strategy.  

It is essential to allow European companies to grow by providing them with global standards and a safe market in which to expand and scale. Trade and competitiveness must go hand in hand, as only through open markets and global standards European companies can scale and thrive, driving both innovation and economic resilience. To this end, DIGITALEUROPE priorities are: 

  • International alignment on digital—particularly AI, Cyber, and green technologies—leveraging global platforms like the G7, the EU-US and EU-India Trade and Technology Councils, alongside bilateral digital partnerships 
  • Strengthening the leadership role in shaping discussions on digital trade and tech standards within the EU-US Transatlantic Trade and Technology Council 
  • Deepening collaboration with Japan to advance digital policy and innovation 
  • An ambitious open trade agenda 
  • Progress at the WTO, with focus on the Moratorium on Customs Duties on Electronic Transmissions, Joint Statement Initiative on Electronic Commerce and the Information Technology Agreement  
  • The seamless implementation of the dual use recast regulation  


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