
Digital Finance

DIGITALEUROPE is committed to supporting the continued growth of a successful digital finance ecosystem. It is a must-have if we want a more inclusive, green, prosperous, and secure Europe.

Consumer demand for digital financial services is driving significant disruption in the industry and financial actors are answering the call. They are introducing new products and services more quickly and with a richer user experience, all while continuing to reduce costs and maintaining a high level of security. DIGITALEUROPE is pushing for the EU to actively recognise and incorporate the potential of digitalisation into its policies for the financial sector, to allow for its continued innovation efficiently.

DIGITALEUROPE’s Digital Finance Working Group is unique as it represents an industry spanning the entire financial ecosystem: from banks to credit card networks to technology companies to fintech. Our focus within this group is:

  • AI in Financial Services
  • Financial Data Access Regulation (FIDA)
  • Payments Services (PSR/PSD3)
  • Digital Euro
  • Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)
Our experts:
Ray Pinto
Senior Director for Vertical Strategy and Business Development
Laura Chaney
Manager for Executive Outreach
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