11 Apr 2018

New Deal for Consumers must enhance European consumers’ online trust and foster innovation and growth in Europe

“The proposal released today is a positive attempt to adapt consumers rules to the digital age and to keep up with the pace of the digital sector in an increasingly data-driven economy but eCommerce in Europe can only reach its full potential if we find the right balance between consumer protection and businesses’ ability to offer innovative products and services to consumers – hence a very balanced approach is necessary” said Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl, Director General of DIGITALEUROPE.

Back in 2017, DIGITALEUROPE welcomed the conclusion of the Fitness Check exercise which confirmed that existing consumer rules remain generally fit for purpose.

“EU citizens already benefit from a strong framework of consumer rules, and we always encourage policymakers to take stock and make use of the existing rules before proposing new ones, which must be based on the evidence that current practices really hamper consumers or society as a whole. European SMEs already struggle to gain scale and be competitive in the global digital economy, regulators should also take stock of this”, added Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl.

Among the measures proposed today, DIGITALEUROPE welcomes the decision of the European Commission to tackle unnecessary burdens for the industry by granting more flexibility with regards to the means of communications that a trader can choose to communicate with consumers and removing disproportionate obligations related to the right of withdrawal.

“We will however remain vigilant throughout the upcoming discussions in the European Parliament and Council as several aspects of the legislative proposals are of serious concern for the industry. For instance: the extension of the scope of the Consumer Rights Directive, the one-size-fits all approach with regards to penalties or the revision of the Injunctions Directive to cover collective redress”, concluded Cecilia BonefeldDahl.

DIGITALEUROPE will continue to work closely with the EU institutions and other stakeholders in the coming months to ensure we can collectively deliver on the Digital Single market, for the benefit of both citizens and businesses.

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