23 Feb 2018

DIGITALEUROPE closely involved in identifying key digital technologies to be prioritised in EU budget

DIGITALEUROPE closely involved in identifying key digital technologies to be prioritised in EU budget

“Finally, Europe woke up! Connectivity, AI and cyber security are in the spotlight today. They will transform the digital sector, industry and society” said Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl, Director General of DIGITALEUROPE, when the new “Re-Finding Industry” report, which calls for a stronger focus and funding on Key Enabling Technologies (KETs), was unveiled at the European Commission’s Industry Day earlier on Friday.

“5G, Cyber and AI must be at the heart of European investments to boost innovation, growth and job creation in Europe. 83% of all AI investments are forecasted to be outside EU, and the EU only invests half of the US in connecting all citizens to a modern digital world. EU investments in “digital” must double compared to Horizon 2020!” she insisted.

At the Industry Day’s workshop on “Technologies of Future”, Markus Borchert, President of DIGITALEUROPE and Senior VP of Nokia, recalled: “Enhancing connectivity in Europe, such as through the deployment of 5G infrastructure, is a necessary condition for the successful digital transformation of all industry sectors”.

“Yet, in a digital society, infrastructure development needs to be followed by investments in cybersecurity – being a critical enabler of IoT, machine-to-machine communications and connectivity overall -, also to help building trust among citizens, governments and companies. Europe must lead the way on disruptive technologies, such as AI, to use it for the benefit of growth and society” he added.

“This is a new beginning for Europe – where a virtuous ecosystem of SMEs and large corporations is nurtured with the aim to leverage the innovative potential and the prosperity of the continent”, he concluded.


The “ReFinding Industry” report released today by the European Commission calls for a stronger focus and funding on Key Enabling Technologies (KETs). The report was prepared by the Commission’s High-level Strategy Group on Industrial Technologies.

DIGITALEUROPE has been closely involved in the process of defining the most promising KETs to drive Europe’sgrowth, through the participation of Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl to the Commission’s High-level Strategy Group on Industrial Technologies.

The Strategy Group identified Connectivity, Cybersecurity, and Artificial Intelligence as new KETS for Europe to invest in, given the essential role of these technologies to tackle the societal challenges and to boost global competitiveness.

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