17 Apr 2018

DIGITALEUROPE acknowledges the Commission's e-evidence proposal

DIGITALEUROPE welcomes the European Commission’s effort to develop a consistent and harmonised approach to law enforcement authorities’ data access requests in the EU. Clarification of these rules is timely and necessary.

The digital technology industry believes that law enforcement data access requests, subject to strong procedural and substantial safeguards, should be addressed to the data controller to ensure legal clarity, in particular concerning business-to-business dealings.

In an interconnected world, where conflicting laws arise across different countries and regions, it is incumbent upon governments to work together to create legal certainty for businesses and individuals. As such, DIGITALEUROPE encourages the co-legislators to deliver a framework that can serve as a basis for the Commission to negotiate agreements on behalf of the European Union and its Member States. Such government-to-government solutions are the only way to ensure respect for sovereignty and an increase of overall privacy protection around the world.

For more information please contact
Alberto Di Felice
Policy and Legal Counsel
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