
The accessibility of eLearning solutions in crisis times

30 Mar 2022
10:00 - 11:30 CEST

Webinar: The accessibility of eLearning solutions in crisis times

30 March 2022, 10:00-11:30 CEST, online

DIGITALEUROPE invites you to a webinar dedicated to discussing the state-of-play regarding accessibility and user-centred design of eLearning solutions and their relevance in crisis times.

In the context of the EU-funded project ACCESSIBILITECH, DIGITALEUROPE is organising an online workshop focusing on the accessibility of eLearning solutions. The European University Association survey on “Digitally enhanced learning & teaching” (EUA-Sept 2020) reports that 95% of the Higher Education Institutions opted for distance learning during the COVID crisis. According to The Economist (25th July 2020), this new scenario creates new challenges for Higher Educations institutions. In fact, their technological readiness, financial capacity and business models will require a deep assessment and a probable reshape. Moreover, if we consider the ongoing Ukrainian crisis and the wide range of uncertainties around it, it seems that in this context, teaching will have to be readapted and redesigned based on the digital learning tools and their capacity to engage with students so to be attractive and to offer valuable content.

The provision of high-quality digital learning materials and content in an effective, attractive and engaging way will happen only if the whole digital education experience is inclusive, accessible and easy to understand and use by all students, regardless of their abilities, digital readiness and cultural background.

Join this online workshop to know more about the accessibility of eLearning environments, the existing barriers, the policy context, and possible solutions that can improve the experience of students at risk of exclusion.


  • 10:00-10:10

    Introduction and moderation

    • Jose Martinez, Senior Project Manager, DIGITALEUROPE
  • 10:10-10:30

    The end-user perspective: key barriers that students with disability are experiencing when interacting with e-learning contexts

    • Loredana Dicsi, Membership, Internal Communications and Youth Officer at European Disability Forum
    • František Milan, Student at Masaryk University
  • 10:30-10:45

    The European perspective on e-learning: standards, policy and regulation

    • Susanna Laurin, Research and Innovation Officer at Funka
  • 10:45-11:00

    Strategies to address the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic situation on eLearning

    • Radek Pavlíček, Senior Accessibility Specialist at Masaryk University
  • 11:00-11:15
    Questions from the audience
  • 11:15-11:30
    Closing remarks


The ultimate purpose of the ACCESSIBILITECH project is promoting the use of IT tools to improve and enhance e-inclusion and e-accessibility for people with disabilities and other related groups with similar needs, such as the ageing population.

For more information, please contact:
José Martinez-Usero
Director for Projects
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