Digital Deep Dive Series

The Data Act: Enabling trusted data sharing in Europe

14 Nov 2022
14:00-15:30 CET

Digital Deep Dives series

The Data Act: Enabling trusted data sharing in Europe

14th November 14:00-15:30 CET, online 

(Please note that this event has been rescheduled from 12 October 2022 to 14 November 2022)


Following the success of the launch of our Digital Deep Dives event series in spring 2022, DIGITALEUROPE will continue to host these insightful panels. The first in a series of events for this autumn will be a discussion of the Data Act.

The Data Act is the centrepiece of the Von der Leyen Commission’s Data strategy. Its goals are ambitious: unlocking data sharing at EU level to create a “genuine single market for data” and “make Europe a global leader in the data-agile economy”. To achieve these objectives, the Data Act proposal is set to impose data sharing obligations on companies, particularly when it comes to connected devices and their software layers.

But companies in Europe have not waited for the Data Act proposal to start sharing data with their peers… The proposal breaks away from the current market-driven data sharing ecosystem. How will the new regulation impact existing data sharing practices and the way companies do business ? Will it bring legal certainty or disrupt emerging data markets?

The roundtable will answer these central questions and identify how rules for data sharing could match the Data Act’s ambitions in a panel with the following speakers:

  • Aurélie Bergugnat, Chief Data Officer Group, Senior Vice President Data and Performance Management, Schneider Electric
  • Damian Boeselager, MEP, Data Act Shadow Rapporteur in the ITRE committee
  • Florence Raynal, Deputy Director, Head of Department International and European Affairs, CNIL
  • Nathalie Errard, Senior Vice President, Head of European & NATO affairs, Airbus
  • Richard Vesterberg, Deputy Director, Digital Society Division, Swedish Ministry of Infrastructure
  • Sicco Lehmann-Brauns, Senior Director Research and Innovation Policy, Siemens
  • Yvo Volman, Director, DG CONNECT

The panel will be moderated by Alberto Di Felice, Director for Infrastructure, Privacy & Security Policy, DIGITALEUROPE. 

Register now!

Click here to join the Digital Deep Dive on the Data Act!

For more information, please contact:
Julien Chasserieau
Associate Director for AI & Data Policy
Samia Fitouri
Associate Director for Communications
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