DiPP - ‘AI without frontiers: the EU gameplay’
Read the after event account of the discussion
Often seen as the ultimate digital enabler, AI is fast becoming the single most important driver of data-powered societies. Like other leading players around the world, the EU is investing heavily in the related technologies.
However, Europeans may have spent more time than others addressing these key questions: who exactly gets enabled by AI-powered wonders and how? For lack of clear-cut answers, solutions can be developed to steer a human-centric course. This is one of the missions entrusted to the High-Level Expert Group set up by the Commission following its Communication on ‘AI for Europe’ whose thrust is to boost the EU’s technological and industrial capacity, to prepare for socioeconomic changes and to ensure appropriate ethical and legal frameworks. In particular, guidelines designed by the HLEG will be released early next year to address fairness, safety, transparency, the future of work, and more broadly the impact on upholding fundamental rights, including privacy and personal data protection, dignity, consumer protection and non-discrimination.
Leading contributors to this and other ongoing multistakeholder-thought processes have kindly agreed to dicuss their views under the auspices of DIGITALEUROPE’s DiPP:
– Lucilla Sioli, Director, AI and Digital Industry, DG CONNECT, European Commission
– Robert Madelin, Chairman, Fipra International
– Raja Chatila, Director, Institute of Intelligent Systems and Robotics, Pierre & Marie Curie University, Paris
– Marc-Etienne Ouimette, Director, Public Policy & Government Relations, ElementAI
– Saskia Steinacker, Global Head Digital Transformation, Bayer Business Services GmbH
– Leo Kärkkäinen, co-Chief AI Officer at Nokia and Leader of Deep Learning Research Group, Nokia Bell Labs
– Ursula Pachl, Deputy Director General, The European Consumer Organisation (BEUC)
– Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl, Director General of DIGITALEUROPE
We hope that you will be able to join and contribute your thoughts and experience to this informal conversation that will be held in full compliance with the Chatham House rule.
Registration: The number of seats is limited. Please register online before 5 November.
The Digital in Practice Programme aims to make a case for the digital industry and to evidence the transformative impact of digital products and services. By fostering short, crisp and open debates between leading experts and interested guests, our workshops afford the industry, policy makers and other key stakeholders a powerful educational platform where to share information and discuss informally how a truly ICT-enabled Europe will look like.